Healthy School For Healthy People "Best Practice Development of Healthy Schools Based on ESD in Pinoh Selatan 1 Middle School " M. Firman, S.Pd (Headmaster of SMPN 1 Pinoh Selatan) NIP. 198408252008031001


Pinoh Selatan 1 Middle School is located in Nanga Pintas Village, Pinoh Selatan District, Melawi Regency, right in the Heart of Kalimantan Island, West Kalimantan Province of Indonesia. This school is in a remote area with no electricity and internet signals. Until 2015 the conditions were very poor, with an untreated environment and water sources for student hygiene that were not available.

Based on observations it can be found that 90% of students in Pinoh Selatan 1 Middle School come from below average economic circles. Most parents work as farmers from morning to evening, so the student's health factor is often overlooked. Household conditions are also cause for concern due to the unavailability of toilet facilities. In their neighborhood, the toilet still uses the toilet located on the river. Students are also not accustomed to having breakfast in the morning due to parents who are busy working. This has implications for the low attention of students to health, and of course the expected quality of education cannot be achieved.
The aim of the program that we carry out at this school is to open students' minds to be able to live a healthy culture. We hope that they can transmit the health and environmental programs to the lives of the people around them. Besides that, with the formation of a healthy and environmentally friendly school climate, students will bring good habits in the school to life in the community.
To achieve the 17 Goals for Continuing Education Development we collaborate so that schools can become better and will have implications for the environment around the school. Various programs such as 1. Environmental management programs and health facilities, 2. Environmental friendly energy programs, 3. Regular student health check programs, 4. Supplementary feeding and blood-supplementing programs, 5. Healthy breakfast programs at school, 6. Programs classroom structuring, 7. School circulation movement program and 8. Health socialization program to the community through our students to achieve these goals.
Collaboration, integration and innovation in the achievement of the program we did from 2015 to 2020 with all parties from the village government, local government, People's Representative Council and Indonesian WWF NGOs. Increasing student awareness was felt to be very significant. In 2018 this school won first place in the provincial level healthy school. This school also from a school that was left behind could become a model school for other regions in West Kalimantan. The program that is most felt is the concern of the community in schools has increased, in 2019 the community agreed to make internet procurement in schools to support the development of student capacity. There are also many people around the school who build toilets at home because of the counseling process by their children who go to school.
The conclusion of this best practice is that sustainable development in the Education environment must collaborate with all parties, effective communication is needed. A healthy school environment makes students also cultured healthy. Students who are accustomed to healthy culture will try to transmit their habits in the home environment. With the condition of schools and healthy communities automatically the quality of Education will improve.
Keywords: School, Development, Sustainable, Environment, Healthy

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